Types Of Websites You Can Build For Your Business

By Raven Web Services on August 9, 2022

When you have a business, it can be challenging to keep track of everything. From developing new marketing strategies, to updating your website and keeping it up-to-date. In order to streamline your business we recommend investing in an online marketing strategy that will help you stay organized, promote your brand and grow your company. In this post, we’ll discuss several different types of websites you can build for your business. Without a doubt, there is more than one way to build a website for your company. The type of website that works best depends on the needs of your business and the audience who will see it. Read on to learn more about each type of website below and whether it’s right for you!


A website that features your business’s work. This type of website is great for businesses that have a visual product. With a portfolio site, you can showcase the progression of your design or product development process through various images and videos. It’s also important to note that most people don’t want to read long articles on a website. They want to get straight information from you in an easy-to-digest format. So, that’s why a portfolio site is one of the best options for a company with lots of content!


A blog is a great way to build your online presence and promote your company. You can also use a blog to go deep into the world of digital marketing, whether it be SEO or PPC advertising. A blog is also a great platform for sharing information with your community and potential customers.

Directory site

One of the most popular types of websites is a directory site. Directory sites are optimized to help users find specific information, such as keywords and categories. Businesses that rely on customer reviews can also use this type of website to promote their business or provide valuable resources for their customers. The main drawback to directories is that they often have a small audience because they cater specifically to niche audiences.

eCommerce site

With an eCommerce website, you can sell your products directly to consumers. With an eCommerce site, you will have more control of the buying and selling process. This means that you are able to customize the shopping experience for your customers.

Landing page or lead generation site

A landing page is the perfect place to capture leads and move them into your sales funnel. You can build a landing page with information, testimonials, videos, images and more to help you generate leads and convert them into customers. A landing page is an extremely cost-effective way to start marketing your business since it’s easy for you to set up and people who visit it will be ready to buy from you. Plus, if you set up a lead generation site on your website, you’ll have an opportunity to track how many people are visiting your website, which can be invaluable in terms of data.

Booking website

Want to increase the amount of bookings your business receives? Invest in a booking website! A booking website will allow you to showcase your unique offerings and attract more customers. To make this website work for your business, consider these features:

- Showcase what you have to offer

- Create an online booking form with all the relevant information you need

- Promote yourself on social media (see below)

- Share discounts or promotions on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram

Event website

Event websites are a great option for companies who have events happening regularly. Event websites offer an opportunity to build relationships with your audience by offering them exclusive content. For example, if your company has a cooking class coming up in the near future and you want people to know about it, creating an event website is a great way to share recipes and tips from the event with your audience.

Online forum or membership site

An online forum is a social website that allows people to interact online. It is a great idea for your business because of the time saving capabilities and the ability to reach large audiences. Once you actually have your site setup, it's time to establish rules for certain posts that are allowed on your site. This includes what types of content can be posted, what type of images or graphics can be shared and whether or not advertising is permitted. You'll also need to establish guidelines for what kind of comments people should leave when they comment on other posts. Alternatively, if you have a larger company with multiple locations, then a membership site might be more beneficial. A membership site allows your company to keep track of member data and stay connected with customers in different regions.

Media website

A media website is essentially a website that showcases or shares stories and news about your business. They typically show off content such as blog posts, images, music, and videos to engage with your audience. One of the most important aspects of a media website is that it should be designed in a way to attract relevant audiences. This means the colors, fonts, layout and overall site design should be appealing to the target audience you’re targeting. For example, if you’re selling laptops for educational purposes and want to target parents who need laptops for their children in school then you might use bright colors with clear layouts to help them find what they need quickly and easily.

Final thoughts

A website will be an essential part of your brand. It will help you to demonstrate what your business offers, and it will also show your customers what you can offer them. Remember that the type of website that is right for you will depend on your business type and your audience. Having the right type of website can make a significant impact on your business so hopefully this article helps you pick the best fit available to you.

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